5 Types of Loans A Money Lender in Singapore Will Provide

Are you thinking of getting a loan? A loan from a licensed money lender in Singapore is a great way to get out of a financial situation. With a trusted money lender, you can pay back in a way that’s convenient for you. But why do you need a loan in the first place, and is it a good enough reason to be accepted by a loan company? Here are the five types of loans a money lender in Singapore will provide.
Home renovation loan
Does your home’s electrical or plumbing need repairs? Or maybe you need to remodel a room for a new roommate? Whatever the reason, you can get a home renovation loan in Singapore if you tell the money lender your specific renovation plans.
Debt consolidation loan
Are you drowning in multiple credit card debts and can’t keep track? Combine all these loans into a single one by getting a debt consolidation loan in Singapore. The money lender will speak to the credit company in Singapore and pay your multiple debts. You will have to pay back the money lender at a fixed time for a short period. That way, you’ll only have to worry about your loan with the money lender.
Payday loan
In need of groceries, but your paycheck doesn’t come until next week? A payday loan is a small loan given by a money lender in Singapore to meet your immediate needs. You will then use your next paycheck to pay this loan in full.
Business loan
To create a business, you’ll need capital. Luckily, a licensed money lender in Singapore can provide this for you, granted with even higher principal amounts, so you’ll have a stable foundation for your business.
Lifestyle loan
Are you looking into taking a big step in your life? Lifestyle loans are for significant personal events like buying a house or a car. Just note that the money lender in Singapore needs to know what you’re doing with the money before the loan can be approved.
If you need financial help for any reason, contact Monetium Credit and arrange a meeting with a licensed, trustworthy money lender in Singapore.